E-Library is a Project of Bodmas Model College cencept by Muhammad Farhan,
Project deliver all the Text Book Convert in Mobile Application that mean easy to access in Text Book.
Biology IX Text Book.
Section 1: Life and Its Origin
Chapter 1: Introduction To Biology
Section 2: Orginazation Of Biology
Chapter 2: Structure Orginzation of Life
Section 3: Biodiversity
Chapter 3; Classification of Living Organisms
Chapter 4:Viruses, Bacteria and Cyanobacteria
Chapter 5: Fungi and Algae
Chapter 6: Bryophytes and Tracheophytes
Chapter 7: Invertebrata
Chapter 8: CHordata and Vertebrata
Section 4: Maintenance of Life
Chapter 9: Food and Nutrition
Chapter 10: Respiration
Chapter 11: Transport in Organism
Chapter 12: Excertion
Chapter 13: Support and Movement
Chapter 14: Response and Co-Organism
Section 5: Development of Organism and Countinuity of life
Chapter 15: Reproduction
Section 6: Genetics and Evolution
Chapter 16: Genes and Inhertitance
Chapter 17: Evolution
Section 7: Inter-Relationship of Organisms
Chapter 18: Environmental Biology
Chapter 19: Man and Biology
E-Library adalah Proyek Bodmas Model Tinggi cencept oleh Muhammad Farhan,
Proyek memberikan semua Buku Teks Mengkonversi di Aplikasi Mobile yang berarti mudah untuk mengakses dalam Buku Teks.
Biologi IX Buku Teks.
Bagian 1: Hidup dan Asal Its
Bab 1: Pendahuluan Untuk Biologi
Bagian 2: Orginazation Of Biology
Bab 2: Struktur Orginzation Kehidupan
Bagian 3: Keanekaragaman
Bagian 3; Klasifikasi Hidup Organisme
Bab 4: Virus, Bakteri dan Cyanobacteria
Bab 5: Fungi dan Algae
Bab 6: bryophytes dan Tracheophytes
Bab 7: invertebrata
Bab 8: Chordata dan Vertebrata
Bagian 4: Pemeliharaan Kehidupan
Bab 9: Pangan dan Gizi
Bab 10: Respirasi
Bab 11: Transportasi di Organisme
Bab 12: Excertion
Bab 13: Dukungan dan Gerakan
Bab 14: Respon dan Co-Organism
Bagian 5: Pengembangan Organisme dan Countinuity hidup
Bab 15: Reproduksi
Bagian 6: Genetika dan Evolusi
Bab 16: Gen dan Inhertitance
Bab 17: Evolution
Bagian 7: Inter-Hubungan Organisme
Bab 18: Biologi Lingkungan
Bab 19: Man dan Biologi
E-Library is a Project of Bodmas Model College cencept by Muhammad Farhan,
Project deliver all the Text Book Convert in Mobile Application that mean easy to access in Text Book.
Biology IX Text Book.
Section 1: Life and Its Origin
Chapter 1: Introduction To Biology
Section 2: Orginazation Of Biology
Chapter 2: Structure Orginzation of Life
Section 3: Biodiversity
Chapter 3; Classification of Living Organisms
Chapter 4:Viruses, Bacteria and Cyanobacteria
Chapter 5: Fungi and Algae
Chapter 6: Bryophytes and Tracheophytes
Chapter 7: Invertebrata
Chapter 8: CHordata and Vertebrata
Section 4: Maintenance of Life
Chapter 9: Food and Nutrition
Chapter 10: Respiration
Chapter 11: Transport in Organism
Chapter 12: Excertion
Chapter 13: Support and Movement
Chapter 14: Response and Co-Organism
Section 5: Development of Organism and Countinuity of life
Chapter 15: Reproduction
Section 6: Genetics and Evolution
Chapter 16: Genes and Inhertitance
Chapter 17: Evolution
Section 7: Inter-Relationship of Organisms
Chapter 18: Environmental Biology
Chapter 19: Man and Biology